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IPFS News Link • Venezuela

EYEWITNESS: Warning Signs That Should Have Told Us the Collapse of Venezuela Was Near

•, J.G. Martinez D

I usually wake up early in the morning, without too much complaint. When I was working in an oil facility 58 kilometers away from home, I had to be out of bed and ready for the bus at 5:20 AM. My wife took me to the bus stop, where the corporate bus would pick me up at 5:45. We were in the office by 7 o'clock.

Then, work all the day with one hour and a half for lunch, most of the times without leaving the company facilities, in the restaurant for employees. Then work until 4:30 PM and take the bus at 4:45. One hour later we were arriving to the city again, depending on the traffic.

I would be with the family until kids bedtime, around 8:45 PM and would work online until 11:00 PM, daily, and would use the early morning on Saturday to dedicate about 3 hours of work while everyone was still sleeping. I enjoyed that work, and the payment was considerable. I had some savings and could buy some preps, spare parts, and send some extra money to my parents to fix their place, or so they could buy some stuff, like clothing, shoes, fix their old car, you get the picture.

This worked well for some years. But then, we had several malfunctions of the busses, and the service was getting worse. I am talking about 2013 or so. There was still food being produced, the military had not had occupied the food production plants and there was not food black market yet.

Tired of such routine, I found another position with the same responsibilities, but in a small partner company, in the same corporation, and much, much closer to home. That was great because I could go in my motorcycle or even my bicycle, could lunch at home, or even lunch in the facility restaurant and take a 15 minutes nap at home, be with my family, grab my coffee thermal cup, and go back to work.