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June 22: Operation Barbarossa's 75th Anniversary

Written by Subject: Russia

June 22: Operation Barbarossa's 75th Anniversary

by Stephen Lendman

On June 22, 1941, Hitler launched perhaps the largest ever invasion by one country against another.

Operation Barbarossa involved up to four million combat and support troops - Hitler's fatal error, miscalculating, overreaching, hubris and arrogance defeating him.

Heroic Red Army efforts smashed the vaunted Wehrmacht, Soviet Russia, not America, most responsible for freeing Europe from the scourge of Nazism.

Addressing Russia's lower house State Duma, Putin paid tribute to extraordinary Red Army heroism above and beyond the call of duty by any standard, saying:

"This day in 1941, Nazi Germany invaded the USSR, but Soviet soldiers defended the country to the death. We will always remember their sacrifice."

"Back then, Western powers tried to defeat the Soviet Union. The international community did not pay any attention to that fact that dangerous Nazi regime arose in Europe."

"These days, the international community makes the same mistakes. The main global threat is terrorism, but NATO continues to expand its presence near Russian borders."

Its aggressive actions and rhetoric force Moscow "to respond in the same way…pay(ing) special attention to strengthening our country's defense capabilities." 

Citing "bloc-like thinking," Putin said it's "necessary to create a non-aligned, equal for all states system of collective security." 

"Russia is ready to discuss this important issue and has repeatedly declared its readiness to engage in dialogue" - so far with no positive Western response.

Putin urged "unit(ing) in the fight against international terrorism" without explaining its state sponsorship, its inability to exist without it.

America's rage for dominance is humanity's greatest threat - state-sponsored terrorism, using ISIS and likeminded groups as imperial foot soldiers, along with its empire of bases threatening world peace.

Unless responsibly challenged, we're all doomed.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
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Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union "SAVED" western civilization. Hitler is our true "SAVIOUR." Although Hitler was dead at the end of the war and Germany was defeated, it was Hitler and Germany's heroism and tenacity that saved us from our own utter stupidity. Stalin had about 35,000 tanks to attack westward in June of 1941 and he would have succeeded except for Hitler. Stalin would have enslaved the entire world. That was the "plan"--and it was supported by countless western sympathizers, especially in the US, who actually supported communism. But although the Soviet Union was among the "victors" in 1945 it was so beaten up by the Germans that the West had some time to come to its senses--which it did under Truman. People like Roosevelt and Wendell Wilkie had actually believed that communism was not really all that bad. Friedrich Paul Berg Learn everything at
