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NYT Propaganda Blasts Russia and Syria on Eve of Ceasefire

Written by Subject: MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

NYT Propaganda Blasts Russia and Syria on Eve of Ceasefire

by Stephen Lendman

A Times promo in my mail box overnight claims its "(a)ward-winning journalism enriches your life" - only for readers preferring Big Lies over hard truths, bad fiction over essential to know cold hard facts. 

Longstanding Times misreporting is notorious, an imperial lying machine, suppressing what's most important to print, substituting state-sponsored propaganda.

On the eve of cessation of hostilities, effective midnight Damascus time on February 27, it disgracefully blamed Russia and government forces for the latest US air attacks on Syrian hospitals - more proof showing Washington wants war, not peace.

On Thursday, a Maarat al-Noaman facility was destroyed, killing at least 25 patients and medical staff. Separate strikes targeted the National Hospital miles away.

Why would Russian or government forces target hospitals or other nonmilitary sites - for what strategic purpose?

US warplanes bomb them for propaganda purposes, blaming Russia and Syrian forces for its high crimes. 

The Times and other media scoundrels irresponsibly misreport, pointing fingers the wrong way, supporting Washington's killing machine - even on the eve of announced cessation of hostilities.

The Big Lie takes no respites - The Times the lead instrument of US disinformation, willfully deceiving readers, longstanding editorial policy.

Russian and Syrian official denials of responsibility for targeting civilians and nonmilitary sites are derisively mocked - high US crimes against peace systematically suppressed, atrocities committed by ISIS and other terroristl foot soldiers given short shrift, usually ignored altogether.

The Times claiming attacks on nonmilitary targets "are part of a scorched-earth strategy in which the government and its allies (meaning Russia) are deliberately driving out civilians from insurgent-held areas by destroying hospitals, schools and homes" is a bald-faced lie.

It cited Syrian opposition terrorists groups and elements supporting them as its source, typical Times misreporting, turning truth on its head, substituting propaganda for responsible journalism.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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