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Last Resort (U.S. TV series)

Written by Subject: Entertainment: Television (TV)
Military drama involving an Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine crew that get caught up in a False Flag Operation by a power hungry U.S. President, and unwittingly become the target and enemy of the United States of America in an attempt by the Government to cover up the False Flag Operation.
Personally, I don't usually watch military drama's because they are loaded with pro-government agenda, but this diamond in the ruff seems to have a different message.  It's about standing on principle and in the face of tyranny, with a constitutional and libertarian messages.  The Captain who questions his orders by the United States DOD to launch ballistic missiles must also struggle to keep his crew together in the aftermath with many not so principled sheeple.
Though you can try to watch for free on, which is also offered on apple, and roku services constant commercials and lock ups with prevent viewing.  Best advise is rent or buy DVD set.  Unfortunately, like most good T.V. shows like Firefly this one is cut short at one season.
