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RON PAUL 2012, Street Demonstration, Street Signing

Written by Ducati Jeanne Subject: Activism
Sunday, August 28, 2011 @ 2 P.M.
The intersection of 83rd Avenue and Union Hills Road, Peoria, AZ 
According to a calendar item posted on the Ron Paul R3VOLUTION - Phoenix Meet-up site, an excellent group from the NW Valley (Michael, Leandra, Audrea; fellow truth lovers/Ron Paul supporters) have organized a huge RON PAUL 2012 event!
29 people have signed up already to meet-up on the street corners of the intersection of Union Hills and 83rd ave. On the SE corner we have a Walmart Supercenter, SW corner a suburban neighborhood, NW corner a cirlce k and dannys car wash, NE we have a stip mall shopping center. Plenty of places for ppl to park and come up and talk to us. It is near the 101 freeway so traffic tends to be very heavy especially in the afternoon. We are making signs and will have hundreds of ron paul leaflets and fake ron paul dollar bills and possibly some dvds.
If anyone would like to join us that would be great. Water will be provided for all that come.