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BREAKING: GOP Lies to Dr. James Dobson. Dobson Endorses Rand Paul for US Senate

Written by Subject: Politics: Republican Campaigns
 Apparently, "Senior GOP Officials" mislead Dr. Dobson (Focus on the Family) into believing that Rand Paul was not pro-life.  Dobson endorsed Rand's opponent and today REVERSED his endorsement and is now endorsing Rand Paul. 
Make sure to send your final donation to Rand Paul before the election by clicking here
Dobson sees through Grayson

Published on 03 May 2010 by David Adams in General News


“Well, hello everyone. This is Dr. James Dobson, speaking as a private individual.”

“Have you ever made an embarrassing mistake? I did just that last week. I was given misleading information about the candidacy of Dr. Rand Paul, who is running in the Republican Primary for the U.S. Senate. Senior members of the GOP told me Dr. Paul is pro-choice and that he opposes many conservative perspectives, so I endorsed his opponent.”

“But now I’ve received further information from OB/GYN’s in Kentucky whom I trust, and from interviewing the candidate himself.”

“I now know that he is avidly pro life. He believes that life begins at conception.”

“He opposes earmarking and supports Israel. He identifies with the Tea Party movement and believes in home schooling. Sounds like my kind of man.”

If I lived in Kentucky, I would vote for Dr. Rand Paul. Would you consider sending him to the U.S. Senate to shake things up in Washington?”

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Freed Radical
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If Rand Paul supports Israel, then he is a tool. You will notice that RON PAUL does not support giving foreign aid or military support to any other country. If the US stops fighting Israel's wars, maybe the Israelis will try a little harder to get along with the Arabs who were there first.