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Romney exposed as New World Order Puppet

Written by Subject: Politics: Republican Campaigns
 William Weld is the former Governor of Massachusetts and also a high ranking member of the Council on Foreign Relations. 
As a CFR member, William Weld helped create policies leading to the integration of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

William Weld was the New York state co-chairman for Mitt Romney's campaign for president. Weld was active in campaigning for Governor Romney and both Governors were known to travel together during the New Hampshire primaries.

William Weld resigned the governorship of Massachusetts after being appointed United States Ambassador to Mexico by President Bill Clinton. He was never confirmed by the United States Senate, however, and hence never served as Ambassador. This was due mainly to opposition from Senate Foreign Relations committee chairman Jesse Helms, who refused to hold talks on the nomination, effectively blocking it.   Though both were Republicans and though that party held the majority in the chamber, Helms objected to Weld's moderate stance on several social issues.

When George W. Bush was running against John Kerry, it was William Weld that helped Bush prepare for the debates.
William Weld co-chaired the Independent Task Force on North America for the Council on Foreign Relations. Here is the May 2005 report titled "Building a North American Community."
It was created by the Council on Foreign Relations in association with the Canadian Council of Chief Executives and the Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales.

George W. Bush has put the policies shaped by William Weld and the CFR into action by creating the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.

The Council on Foreign Relations published a speech by Mitt Romney in their July/August '07 issue of Foreign Affairs, titled "Rising to a New Generation of Global Challenges."

The CFR also has a web page devoted to Romney's campaign issues.
The CFR is one of the most powerful organizations on the planet. So it is unlikely that Mitt Romney will go his own way and secure our borders, end illegal immigration and stop the creation of the North American Union when he, like all past Presidents will fill his cabinet with members of this elite organization. The goal of these elitists is to create a world government and secure global monopolies for themselves. The reason our borders remain open is because these elitists want to abolish all borders but only under the rubric where every "resident" is tracked via national ids, the national id database at the Department of Homeland Security which exchanges your private data with other nations so you can be tracked despite the open borders.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 I look forward to tomorrow's headlines reading:  "Bush and Cheney exposed as New Worl Order Puppets"



Comment by Hawkeye
Entered on:

Romney`s little children say they are doing their patriotic duty by campaining for their father...well!! what are they doing now..What kind of excueses are they using now?

Romney is one of the lowest if not the lowest scum bag in America..pure shit on a stick.