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Yolanda Madden: Collateral Damage from Odessa's War on People

Written by Subject: Law Enforcers or Peace Officers
Last week, Freedom's Phoenix alerted you to the breaking news out of Odessa, TX that Kop Busters had snared Odessa Police in a reverse sting.  This is the only news coverage of that story from Odessa: 
Despite the tight lid in TX, that video spread like wildfire this past weekend thanks to Reason's Radley Balko, Raw Story,, and hundreds of other websites.  Due to the overwhelmingly positive response, Barry Cooper released some footage from the raid on his Christmas tree grow-op:
Odessa Police still have not given Cooper a copy of the warrant they used to break into his rented home, nor have they released the affidavits used to show probable cause to get the warrant.  Of course, this entire sting was predicated on the notion that Odessa Police would fabricate whatever they needed to show probable cause.  In that, Cooper's Kop Busters succeeded spectacularly.
The story that led Kop Busters to Odessa is gut wrenching and, until this evening, strictly a matter of hearsay.  Kop Busters came to Odessa at the behest of Raymond Madden, father of Yolanda Madden who is serving an 8-year sentence for possession of methamphetamines planted on her by Odessa Police.
Tonight, Kop Busters released the evidence that leads them to believe that police corruption in the name of fighting a war on drugs is systemic in Odessa:
You no longer have to imagine the anguish of a daddy faced with the prospect of delivering his innocent little girl to incarceration for 8 years, knowing that the option is her death by police execution. 

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Yolanda Madden
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Ms. Madden has a hearing on Sept. 17, 2009 in Midland, Texas. Will Junell do the right thing and release her?