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Water, Water, Water: Less in Arizona, California, Colorado growing more, more, more

Written by Subject: Environment

Thursday, September 27, 2007, Denver Post journalist Steve Lipsher wrote a piece, “ Denver water hike is in pipeline.”


Journalist Lipsher uncovers Colorado's greatest dilemma concerning the future viability of living in this semi-arid mountain state. Rate increases must pay for $9.7 million in upgrades. “Suburban customer’s bill would rise an average of $21.44 from the current $476.87,” Lipsher reported.  


His colleague, journalist Joey Bunch wrote, “South metro tries to bridge water gaps,” with a reported $1 billion cost for suburbs to wean themselves off groundwater systems in the Denver area. Why?  Groundwater can't recharge fast enough to keep up with two million people drawing from deep wells. 


What about California and Arizona? It’s so dry, folks can’t spit!


What’s driving our water crisis? 


While we suffer water problems today, Harris Sherman, director of Colorado Department of Natural Resources, said, "We expect another 2.8 million people in the state by 2030...this is why we're seeing this fierce competition for water."


Let's uncover a greater calamity we face:  the Fogel/Martin March 2006 "US Population Projections for 2050" shows Colorado growing from 4.3 million in 2006 to 9.77 million by 2050.  If you think water proves as a crisis today, you ain't seen nothing yet.  Why? Because while we grow by six million, California grows by 42 million or, from 37.5 million to 79.1 million!  Arizona, to add another five million, and California--depend on the Colorado River as their lifeblood.  Something's gotta' give folks!


With this advancing "Human Katrina" population overload onto California, Arizona and Colorado, it will create irreversible consequences with unsolvable problems.  No amount of conservation will solve what we're creating for ourselves.  Sheer overpopulation will undermine our ability to provide water, grow crops and feed ourselves.  When will our leaders engage in the rational and reasonable discussion of balancing our population with our carrying capacity?  The fact is: at some point, we cannot continue to grow human population.   When will citizens demand California, Arizona and Colorado enact an "Optimum Carrying Capacity Policy" or "Environmental Impact Policy" or “Optimum Population Policy" in order to ensure future generations will enjoy a balance of water, land and population?


If you watched Brian Williams on NBC Monday night, you saw India's nightmare water crisis that cannot be solved because it's beyond solving. Their rivers suffer pollution levels 300 times more toxic than drinkable water standards.  Even worse, they refuse to do anything about their exploding population. Williams said they expect to grow from their current 1.1 billion to 1.55 billion by 2050.  Therefore, millions more become victims or suffering survivors.


How long can we dance around the gorilla in the kitchen?  Not much longer!


Can you name one advantage for adding one million, six million or 20 million people to Arizona, California and Colorado?  Will it create greater water supplies?  Will it improve gridlock traffic?  Will one, six, or 20 million more people make for cleaner air over Denver?


America needs to prepare for the future by dealing with reality and not "hope it will work out" emotional hogwash. No matter how far down the wrong road you travel, turn around, go back and find a better way! 


We must come to terms with limited water, limited farm land, limited resources and limited habitat. At some point, we must stabilize Colorado's population so all humans, plants and animals enjoy a viable future.  At some point, no amount of money will be able to make water appear out of nowhere!


Take action:; ; ; ;


