Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio

Program Date:

Katie Testa, (Michigan Peace and Liberty Coalition (which was founded on the philosophy of voluntaryism and holds that all human association should be voluntary) talks about their recent event - Also, Freedom's Phoenix Headline News

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Ademo Freeman (Sales and Marketing Coordinator at Suns of Liberty Mint; and Founder/Editor/Writer of CopBlock.Org) provides an update on what he has been doing and talks about the Suns of Liberty Mint - Jon Galegher introduces himself (Freedom's Phoe

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Tom Westbrook, activist from Mesa, AZ who was instrumental in making thousands of Ron Paul Revolution signs during the 2008 campaign, comes in studio to talk about activism, prepping, economy, precious metals and alternative currencies

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James Bovard (Libertarian Author and Lecturer) on the continued abuses of government power, corruption, crony capitalism, and waste...Ernest goes over the Freedom's Phoenix Headline News

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Alma Sommer (Agorist Marketplace) comes on the show to re-cap the Jackalope Freedom Festival 2013, and to talk about having it again next year - Shahid Buttar (Bill Of Rights Defense Committee) on the rule of law in America...Does it still exist??

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Marko Rodin (Vortex Based Mathematics) on the Rodin Coil/Rodin Torus and the implications of the discovery for the future - Stephen Macaskill (Amagi Metals) started accepting Bitcoin and why he believes the banks are trying to shut him down

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George Donnelly (Shield Mutual) provides an update on Adam Kokesh and Shield Mutual - Davi Barker (Muslims4Liberty.Org) on how much people can watch police brutality before they will intervene and the psychology of authority

Program Date:

Frank Szabo (Freedom Orchard Organics) on moving to Chile for a more secure democratic republic, setting up a business, and surviving - Terry Bressi (Checkpoint USA) provides an update on his recent stop by the border patrol


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