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Social Engineering

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In my town, the corporate throngs travel almost in unison every morning and every night, making their way from the manicured suburbs to the shiny central city and then back again.

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American culture has been sent adrift. In a new short film, I show how a strange new pattern of psychopathologies has deranged our institutions and plunged our public life into hysteria, narcissism, and moral theatrics--all in the name of "care."

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Eric Peters Autos

You may have heard that Whoopie Goldberg and "Dr." Jill Biden have both come down with "COVID" again. But how can this be? Weren't both of them "vaccinated" - several times?

Article Image - Paul Craig Roberts

You, white person, must instead blame yourself. You are a white "aversive racist" according to the excrement that rule the New York Times' "1619 Project," a collection of lies designed to demonize white Americans