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Social Engineering

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Ron Paul Institute - Jeffrey H. Anderson

"We should never fully return to our maskless society where only health care providers donned a mask, because judicious use of masks will continue to save lives" (emphasis added).

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Fauci has warned that the US faces more pain and suffering with the "delta variant," as some signs suggest a peak in early states. Meanwhile, the Biden Administration has left Americans totally confused with contradictory information about the shot a

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

After months of assuring vaccinated Americans that they no longer need to wear masks, the CDC has suddenly reversed itself and taken the country back to early 2020: everyone must wear a mask! This time, however, there are signs of rebellion particula

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DJ Panras DaVersiteOldSchoolDJmaster

"Professor Goodfellow invents the G.E.E.C. (Goodfellow's Effort-Eliminating Computer) to free mankind of all physical labor, brainwork and responsibility. However, when this miracle-of-the-ages computer goes out of control, it takes the combined ef