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Article Image by Tyler Durden

Thousands of Cuban immigrants have arrived in the Florida Keys by boat in recent months. To address the surge, the state of Florida and the US Border Patrol have increased ground personnel. However, it now seems that migrants are turning to motorized

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Ron Paul Institute - Ray McGovern

Sixty years ago today (October 28) the US and Russia stepped back from the brink of nuclear war by making a deal. Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev would yield to President John F. Kennedy's demand that Soviet missiles be removed from Cuba; Kennedy p

Article Image by Ray McGovern

Sixty years ago today (October 28) the U.S. and Russia stepped back from the brink of nuclear war by making a deal. Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev would yield to President John F. Kennedy's demand that Soviet missiles be removed from Cuba; Kennedy

Article Image by Jacob G. Hornberger

The aim of the Cold War-era U.S. economic embargo against Cuba is to bring regime change to Cuba by inflicting death and impoverishment on the Cuban people, especially in conjunction with Cuba's socialist economic system.

Article Image, by Jacob G. Hornberger

While the CIA's and the Pentagon's assets within the U.S. mainstream press continue to portray Russia as the aggressor in the Ukraine matter, they continue to ignore, or, even worse, support, the U.S. government's evil actions against Cuba for

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A country without an honest media is blind to its fate. In the US there is no media, only repetition of official narratives. The foreign policy narrative is: Russia Bad. China Bad. Iran bad. That is the extent of US foreign policy.