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Military Industrial Complex

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American foreign policy myths are generated in the corridors of power to elicit popular support and lavish congressional funding for the multi-trillion dollar military-industrial-counterterrorism complex.

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Nick Giambruno: Doug, I know you've been thinking about how the Greater Depression will unfold. It's no secret the government has created the biggest credit bubble in history through endless money printing--euphemistically called QE--and now -

Article Image By Jonathan Marshall

Exclusive: Behind the U.S. media-political clamor for a new Cold War with Russia is a massive investment by the Military-Industrial Complex in "think tanks" and other propaganda outlets, writes Jonathan Marshall.

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The new Ford class of super-carriers is years overdue, billions over budget, and not combat worthy. Meanwhile to justify the expense, Washington is ginning up tension in the Persian Gulf and South China Sea. How long can this continue?

Article Image, ERIC MARGOLIS

Everything grows old. I'm told one day the stars and planets will turn to dust. So I suppose it's no surprise that America's arsenal of nuclear weapons is also showing signs of advancing age, and may have to be replaced.