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Ron Paul Says...

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Over the past several days Saudi Arabia's brutal war against Yemen has taken an even more grim turn, as hospitals and schools have been hit. US weapons sales to the Saudis provide the firepower that kills Yemeni civilians. The military-industrial com

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For all the hand-wringing about the threat to liberty and constitutional government posed by the major party presidential candidates, there is little discussion of how this threat is due to the political class's long history of supporting expanded

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Hillary Clinton gave an "economic" speech this week (at least that's what they called it). In truth, sound economics were nowhere to be seen. But there were a lot of profligate promises that were made. There were also a lot of myths. Ron Paul dispels

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Russia claims to have stopped a sabotage operation by Ukraine's intelligence service. Ukraine denies the charge and has beefed up military on its border with Crimea. Is another war brewing? Is the US pushing for it?

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According to a recent study by the Pentagon-linked RAND Corporation, there are several scenarios where a US/China war may break out. Are China's actions in the South China Sea pushing a war scenario? What about US intervention in the region?

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Former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell took to the New York Times over the weekend to tell the readers that he "...ran the CIA" and now he's endorsing Clinton. But a look into hyper-hawk Morell's career trajectory tells a great deal about what is

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LewRockwell.Com - Ron Paul

Last Friday saw the release of a bombshell jobs report, with headlines exclaiming that the US economy added over 250,000 jobs in July, far in excess of any forecasts. The reality was far grimmer.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

When former defense secretary Leon Panetta pushed war and conflict at yesterday's Democratic convention an amazing thing happened: he was drowned out by the audience chanting "no more war!"

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How can we fight back against an encroaching government that increasingly views us as the enemy? The first step is to get ourselves informed. One great way to get started is by reading Ron Paul Institute Senior Fellow Adam Dick's new book, A Tipping

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We have just dropped our 50,000th bomb in the war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. What progress has been made? Can ISIS be defeated the way we are doing it? Vietnam has some lessons for how to lose a war.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

We often hear from neocon warmongers in America that they desire a Europe that is "whole, free, and at peace." What's in it for the warmongers? Is Europe "free" and "at peace"? Was it necessary to combine nations of different languages, cultures, and

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

After some 14 years the classified 28 pages of the Senate report on 9/11 have finally been released, albeit in redacted form. Founder of Brian McGlinchey joins the Liberty Report to explain how public pressure led to the release...and wha

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Are we all socialists now? Economist Thomas DiLorenzo joins the Liberty Report to discuss his powerful new book on socialism and its sudden re-emergence on the political stage.

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What are the implications of the "Fourth Turning" as Neil Howe and William Strauss discuss in their 1997 book of the same title? It seems the millennial generation will face crises the likes of which have not been seen for decades. What might they be

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Dramatic events over the weekend in Turkey underscore the fragility of the region -- primarily driven by destructive US foreign policy. Is the coup really over, and what will its aftermath mean for US policy in the region?

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Opponents of a central bank should take advantage of the post-Brexit vote revival of secessionist sentiments to promote a secession from central banking, or "Fed-exit." Ending the Federal Reserve's monopoly on money is the key to restoring and ma

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US politicians did not waste a second to use the Nice attack to push their own political agendas. It was radical Islam, some said. Deport foreigners, some said. Declare war, said others. War against who? Who benefits from attacks like this? The natio

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According to a recent poll, when Americans were given information about the extent of US military spending, a solid majority favored a reduction. Why do we think the propaganda machine wants to keep Americans from hearing the facts?

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Who is Washington shipping weapons to in Syria and why do they keep getting in the hands of ISIS and al-Qaeda? The State Department holds daily briefings but refused to answer these questions. What are they hiding?

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Special guest Daniel Hannan, a Member of the European Parliament and Euroskeptic explains what last month's historic Brexit vote means for the UK and the EU. Is this a turning point for localism over globalism?