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show that the 44,000-year-old artifacts are characteristic of the San hunter-gatherers. The descendants of San people live today in southern Africa, so the items can clearly be traced forward to modern culture, unlike other archaeological finds, rese

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oprolites containing human DNA were definitely associated with layers of sediment ranging in age from 2,295 to 12,450 years ago - and were not contaminated by humans or animals at later dates. The researchers last year also found additional Western S

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What needs to be understood though is that all the heat in the Gulf Stream stayed in the North Atlantic for a long time without penetrating the Arctic This is important because it explains the discovery from seabed sampling that current temperatures

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Scientists have found that Native American populations - from Canada to the southern tip of Chile - arose from at least three migrations, with the majority descended entirely from a single group of First American migrants that crossed over through Be

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The metric system, as we know, revolves around a fixed relationship between volume and length, which is based on the cube and offers round, easily-summed numbers for calculations. How much liquid can go into a cube-shaped container? It's simple to m

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Bar-Yosef thinks the shards are the remains of crude pots and bowls, probably about 20 centimetres across. "They were poorly fired and easily breakable," he says. Their outer surfaces carry scorch marks and small amounts of soot, so Bar-Yosef think

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Modern technology may have resurrected the oldest sound recording in the world from an image in a German magazine from 1890. The recording is the muffled voice of the father of the gramophone, Emile Berliner he recites Friedrich Schiller's ballad ''D

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Independent Egyptologist for over 30 years and author of the new book "The Land of Osiris". He holds two Masters degrees and was a research scientist for the Rosicrucian Order in California. He is one of the Research Directors of the Association.

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He said the rock art was made with charcoal, so radiocarbon datingcould be used to determine its age. Most rock art is made with mineral paint, so its age cannot be accurately measured.

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An epoch which is often regarded suitable for such an undertaking is the Eemian warm period, which began around 125,000 years ago following the Saalian ice age. For about 10,000 years, average temperatures on Earth in the Eemian were rather enhanced

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"Maximum insect size does track oxygen surprisingly well as it goes up and down for about 200 million years," Clapham said. "Then right around the end of the Jurassic and beginning of the Cretaceous period, about 150 million years ago, all of a su

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"With the mammoths, it was just a story of this almost continuous litany of challenges that they faced in terms of changing climate, huge changes in habitat and then the spread of humans and potentially human predation to new areas."

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This is an astonishing piece of scholarship which covers a very wide variety of organisms involved in Precolumbian tranOceanic two-way exchanges. If anybody should have qualms about the publication coming out of Brigham Young University ["Mormons"]

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We can envision that this eastern shift involved a change to more localized forms of economy — smaller communities supported by local rain-fed farming and dwindling streams

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So once we get past the common geological error (done in aging faults all the time) of aging physical evidence against the age of the rock itself, we find that these artifacts do conform to the 42000BP through 13900BP window rather well.

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it has been recognised that the Bronze Age of Europe was as old as the Old Kingdoms of Egypt and Mesopotamia, and in Eastern Europe the Bronze age was very old indeed. Crete may be regarded as an outlying edge of the very old cultures established in

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Archaeologists have uncovered a tiny clay seal inscribed with the word “Bethlehem” in what is believed to be the earliest evidence for the existence of the ancient biblical city. “The first ancient artefact constituting tangible evidence of the ex

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ne of the greatest archaeological riddles—and one of the grossest academic omissions—of our time is the untold story of the parallel ruins left by two seemingly unrelated ancient civilizations: the ancient Mayans on one side of the Pacific Ocean and

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If we take these and all the foregoing facts into account, we begin to get a picture of a worldwide complex of linguistic relationships that transcend time and space. We can see Basque, an oddity among modern European languages, as the last relic of