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Vaccines and Vaccinations

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This is what will happen if Biden's dictatorial unlawful vaccine mandate is allowed to move forward. RESIST NOW or we're finished.

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Remember, Remember "The Plot" - Virus purposely unleashed for Population Control and massive profits for those with the cure to RULE. Scary how close this movie is to what is happening now... and they just came out with a New Cure All Pill... Hmmm

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The elephant in the room with covid vaccines is not merely that they are erasing the immune systems of those who take the jabs, but that the destruction of immune function will lead to an unprecedented acceleration in cancer tumor growth that will ov

Article Image by Joseph Mercola

Around the world, huge numbers of people are protesting vaccine mandates and passports. In mid-September 2021, Italy became the first European country to announce the implementation of mandatory COVID-19 health passes (so-called "Green Pass") for

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Mainstream media can no longer ignore the growing rebellion among US workers over the demands that they take an experimental vaccine for the "privilege" of working. As Reuters puts it today, "From Boeing to Mercedes, A US Worker Rebellion Swells Over