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Living Marvelously

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway.

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I can still remember the first time someone told me that they believed in the Calvinist doctrine of "the depravity of man." It shocked me. To complain about human behavior I very well understood; there's plenty of bad behavior in the world. But

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If you could go back in time a thousand years, you'd find people who were shockingly similar to those you presently love. The same is true for people who will live a thousand years from now. Some of them will be nearly identical to the people you n

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Humans are moral obsessives. Anywhere you go, you'll find people speaking in moral terms: "He didn't treat me right," "She's arrogant," "That's a man you can respect," and so on. All of these are moral judgments. Even confirmed cr

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Activist Post - Julian Rose

Unless one can grasp the nature and motivation of those who attack one, one cannot come up with a strategy to overcome them. And right now we have a vital need to come up with such a strategy in order to throw a spanner in the works of a political sy

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I think we've all heard people say that in order to repair a relationship, it's necessary to forgive the other person first… to accept that they, like you, have their flaws, and that you will no longer hold them to account for what they did.

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Eric Peters Autos

Imagine having to remove the oil pan to drain the oil from the engine in your car. This is the procedure you generally have to follow when changing the fluid inside the automatic transmissions of most cars made since the early 1970s.

Home Grown Food