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In correlated electron processes, the electrons in a superconductor behave in lockstep, as if they were a single entity rather than a large collection of individuals. These processes bring about tipping points called "quantum critical points" at wh

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to miniaturised tracking devices, researchers were able to track the foraging movement of albatrosses at a distance of 3500 kilometers from the colony. They found that albatross have altered their search patterns following changes in wind conditions

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Terrence Aym

What might have struck fear into the heart of a mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex? The titanosaur. The fossilized remains of the beast—touted as one of the largest dinosaurs ever to roam the earth—has been found under the icy crust of the Antarctic, at least

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t still possess critical properties of self-assembly and replication as well as the ability to fold into shapes useful for biological function.

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"When the brain mechanisms that underlie intelligence are understood, it is theoretically possible that those mechanisms can be tweaked to increase IQ," said Richard Haier, a neuroscientist and professor emeritus at the University of California at

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One of the species he described was Chelonoidis elephantopus, which lived on Floreana Island. Within a decade after his expedition left, whalers had killed them all off for food.

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Low vitamin D levels were associated with depressive symptoms, particularly those with a history of depression, so primary care patients with a history of depression may be

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Toshiyuki Nakagaki, a professor at Future University Hakodate says the organism, which he cultivates in petri dishes, "organises" its cells to create the most direct root through a maze to a source of food. H

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"We were absolutely stunned to see the animal communities, because they were so different from the hydrothermal vents seen elsewhere," Rogers told LiveScience. He and his colleagues reported their results Jan. 3 in the journal PLoS Biology.

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Many spiral galaxies in the universe are known to exhibit such a bar through the center bulge, while other spiral galaxies are simple spirals. And astronomers ask, why? In a recent paper Dr. Andrea Kunder, of Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (

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But how can one reliably control a tornado with a butterfly? First, you need a system that magnifies the effect of the butterfly’s wings. In FF-1, the magnetic coil—our butterfly—wrapped around the inside of the vacuum chamber, produces a small verti

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The strategy was used to identify times when the brain was primed for learning, which in turn facilitated the scheduling of learning sessions during these peak periods. The result was a significant increase in memory.

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that the genetic change causing fibromelanosis is a complex rearrangement that leads to increased expression of Endothelin 3,a gene known for promoting the growth of pigment cells," explains Ben Dorshorst, one of the authors.

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"Ever since Darwin first described the 'abominable mystery' behind the rapid explosion of flowering plants in the fossil record, evolutionary biologists have been trying to understand the genetic and genomic basis of the astounding diversity of pl

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During a 13-month period after construction, 2,433 photographs of various animals, primarily deer, but also bears, raccoons, and domestic dogs and cats, were taken as they used the underpasses. Animal deaths from vehicle collisions were counted as we

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Drinking water is the best cure for hangovers. As a matter of fact, alternating a glass of water with an alcoholic drink can prevent a hangover. Sparkling waters with a twist of lime or lemon make a respectable replacement for a cocktail, preventing

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e detailed images of individual trees at a rate of 500,000 or more per minute, enabling them to create a high-resolution, three-dimensional map of the physical structure of the forest, as well as its chemical and optical properties. In Peru, the scie

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The Kepler-20 system includes three other planets that are larger than Earth but smaller than Neptune. Kepler-20b, the closest planet, Kepler-20c, the third planet, and Kepler-20d, the fifth planet, orbit their star every 3.7, 10.9 and 77.6 days. All

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Live pterosaurs! But it gets even stranger. Reports starting coming in from North America, and some of the Americans who explored Papua New Guinea, in 2004, searching for ropens, began searching for them in the United States. In at least two of the W