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Events: America

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Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the US economy added 313,000 jobs in the 28 days of February, causing a big jump in the Dow Jones average. Where does BLS find these jobs?

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President Trump slammed critics, talked up tariffs, unveiled his 2020 slogan, brought up executing drug dealers (again) and noted how "bored" people would be if he acted like a regular old president at a Saturday night rally for Republican Rick S

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Mark Dice Video-Megan Kelley interview

in this video Megyn Kelley interviews woman Jerry Springer Style who chooses open relationship with her husband...

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First came the Republican memo, courtesy of the Republican House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes. Their memo detailed the surveillance abuses against one Carter Page, enabled by a kangaroo court which was strengthened immeasurably by the

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Have you seen the media freaking out over Amazon buying Whole Foods? The photos you may have seen of empty Whole Foods shelves were taken during this past season's hurricanes when customers bought up supplies at a fast pace in case of emergency. I
