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European Union

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Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has urged angry and confused Greeks to stand united and vote against the conditions for a new bailout in a referendum Sunday. If they follow his advice, Greece may be pushed out of Europe's common currency zone, so

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The International Monetary Fund said Thursday that debt-ridden Greece's financial plight is even worse than it first thought as the country heads to Sunday's vote on whether to accept lenders' demands for more austerity in exchange for new bail

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As expected (and as tipped here on Thursday immediately after news broke that an IMF study conducted prior to the imposition of capital controls in Greece suggests debt relief for Athens is necessary if anyone hopes to create some semblance of sustai

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By now it should be clear to all that the only reason why Germany has been so steadfast in its negotiating stance with Greece is because it knows very well that if it concedes to a public debt reduction (as opposed to haircut on debt held mostly by p

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Financial experts in New York, London, and Brussels have tut-tutted Greece's economic travails as Athens considers its future with the European Union. Why did they borrow so much money? How can they ever pay it back? Do they think that much debt is

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In withdrawing from negotiations with Greece's international creditors and holding a referendum on whether Greece should adopt the further austerity required by the lenders' financial aid package, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras figuratively pull

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In withdrawing from negotiations with Greece's international creditors and holding a referendum on whether Greece should adopt the further austerity required by the lenders' financial aid package, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras figuratively pull

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This is the question that astute investors are forced to ask themselves these days. No reasonable person believes that a system of ever-expanding debt can resolve painlessly.