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Future Predictions

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Article Image, by Charles Hugh-Smith

The Grand Narrative of the past few centuries goes something like this: from religious authority to secular authority, from agriculture to industrial, from rural to urban, from local to global, from periphery to center, from decentralized to centrali

Article Image, Valentin Mandrasescu

At time when foreign investors are fleeing the Russian stock market, an investing guru advises to buy Russian stocks. Jim Rogers believes that companies listed on the Moscow Exchange are undervalued. That’s why he is buying their stocks.

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One often hears that we are in the midst of exponential population growth, and that the Earth cannot support many more people. Unless we take immediate measures to control population growth, the story goes, we are on a crash course for ecological and

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Imagine it’s 2040. You go to the grocery store, and when you look for the checkout counter there is none. There’s no place to pay for your groceries because you already did.