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Farm Wars

Despite some really eloquent speeches to the contrary, our “for sale” House of Representatives passed the Food Fascism Act….euphemistically called a food safety act, by a margin of about 140 over the naysayer’s. True to form, Rosa DeLauro spoke about things she knows nothing about and couldn’t care less; Rosa just loves her some Monsanto! And that exclusion for farms??? Gone! And that includes you organic idiots who thought you had kissed enough behinds to have your industry excluded.

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Surviving the Middle Class Crash

Do you want to know the safe alternative to warding off disease that does not include taking a poisonous vaccine? That alternative is a healthy immune system. By eating factory processed foods that contain preservatives, GMOs and all sorts of artificial ingredients, we are weakening our immune systems and leaving ourselves open to all sorts of illnesses.


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The Writer's Collective

Not what the American people ordered - HR 2749, martial law and the enslavement of their farmers. HR 2749 is a strange bill in many ways. While the other “food safety” bills have been around since winter, allowing for much public discussion on the internet, HR 2749 has only suddenly appeared. It is a mutant conglomeration of the worst of the other bills, with the addition of one very original part – martial law. 

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Seeking Alpha

The real crisis is coming… and it’s coming fast. Indeed, it started last year, almost entirely off the radar of the American public. While all eyes were glued to the carnage in the stock market and brokerage account balances, a far more serious crisis began to unfold rocking 30 countries around the globe.