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Article Image, Gareth Porter

The Barack Obama administration appears to have rejected a deal-breaking demand by Israel for an Iranian confession to having had a covert nuclear weapons program as a condition for completing the comprehensive nuclear agreement.

Article Image, by Sheldon Richman

If you take politicians and the mainstream media seriously, you believe that Iran wants a nuclear weapon and has relentlessly engaged in covert efforts to build one.

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In the United States, however, the Iranian Revolution has a much different meaning. It signifies, first and foremost, the fall of arguably the US's closest ally in the Middle East - Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the shah - and the advent of an assertive an

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Kambiz Tazarv via YouTube

The iconic & legendary character of "Esther" (Star), the Persian Queen, and the historical significance of the Temple of Esther & Mordechai in the City of Hamedan... A search of a non-Jewish Iranian filmmaker in the pages of the Persian cultural he

News Link • Global Reported By J E Andreasen
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