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NY Times

Fred Thompson brought his remarks to a close with a nod of his head and an expression of thanks to Iowans for allowing him to “give my thoughts about some things.” Then he stood face to a face with a silent audience. “Can I have a round of applause?”

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After Giuliani spoke for nearly 25 minutes, Ron Paul, who may have earned his time to speak with this quarter's fund raising, took the stage. Speaking for just over 10 minutes, Paul was then cut off by the stage music -- a tactic usually reserved

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Michael Heraty

The actor has finally shown-up on the set. Less than a month after the fly-by-nighter announced his intent to....

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Operation NH

New Hampshire has closed primaries and the bad guys are afraid of Ron Paul. They recently announced that the last day to register Republican has been moved up to Oct. 12th (8 days from now). Support Operation New Hampshire in getting the word out.

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Chuck Baldwin Live

"Bush quietly advising Hillary Clinton, top Democrats." This appeared in The Examiner. "President Bush is quietly providing back-channel advice to Hillary Rodham Clinton, urging her to modulate her rhetoric so she can effectively prose

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Search Election

We have ### days until Ron Paul is elected President ### days (##### hours) until President Ron Paul takes office This means Bush will leave the White House in ######## seconds

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Today's fundraising announcement by Rep. Ron Paul, the Republican Libertarian ob-gyn from Texas, doesn't involve quite as much money, but is downright jaw-dropping. His campaign is revealing today that in the 3rd quarter Paul raised $5,080,00

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Free Market News

The increasingly high profile national organization,"Jews for Ron Paul," is asking the Republican Jewish Coalition to swap in presidential candidate Ron Paul(R-TX) for Mike Huckabee at its upcoming presidential forum. Huckabee has reported

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ABC News

Been There, Done That, Got the Button: 2-Party System Seems Like a 2-Family System. Forty percent of Americans have never lived when there wasn't a Bush or a Clinton in the White House. Anyone got a problem with that?

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American Spectator

Rudy Giuliani's decision to push his lead national fundraiser, Anne Dunsmore, out the door has been in the works for close to two weeks, according to Giuliani's insiders, who claim that the candidates himself made the decision to can Dunsmore

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By RHONDA COOK - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

"McCain-Feingold has legal penalties. It penalizes being a citizen. We thoroughly understood the legalities of running for president," Gingrich said. "We didn't realize the implications for American Solutions.

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(Atlantic Monthly)

It's misleading (seriously so) to say McCain opposes Bush's use of torture. McCain has supported nominal bans on torture, and speaks out against torture in public, but he has also supported legislation that allows Bush to continue using tort

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Youtube via LewRockwell

Video links of Thursday night's debate...Ron Paul excerpted. I do not know if this represents a complete collection of all his comments. His competitors propose bigger, better government...and you can listen to them elsewhere.