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Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

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In two days we will have the State of the Union Address. There is a high probability that Trump will choose that venue to announce at least some of what has been undertaken to stop cold what has been discovered to be a twenty year program to put the

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A friend recently sent me a photograph that tells a powerful story about the situation Venezuelans find themselves in now. It's not a very good picture, really, just a blurry cellphone shot of trash: some wrapping material, an old CD -- the detrit

Article Image, By Eric Margolis

Listen to the state-'guided' US media this past week and you'd believe a series of spontaneous anti-government protests broke out across Iran.

Article Image by Justin Raimondo

Let's get it clear right from the beginning: we don't know what's happening in Iran. We don't know who's leading the demonstrations, which are turning into riots in some parts of the country. We don't know who, if anyone, is directing the

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Description:In this age of economic and societal Armageddon, everyone is looking for peace and stability: so why are so many agitating for violent revolution? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we take a page from "It's A Wonderful Life".