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Central Intelligence Agency

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The Intercept

Have you heard the screams of a prisoner being tortured in America's war on terror? I can't forget them. They pierced the walls of a detention center I visited in Samarra during an offensive by American and Iraqi forces in 2005.

Article Image, By Eric Margolis

Torture is a crime under both American and international law. The Bush administration repeatedly broke the law from 2002 to 2006 by unleashing a wave of torture, kidnapping, and murder, all under the banner of its faux "war on terror."

Article Image, Paul Craig Robert

Congress fails to hold executive branch accountable for its massive violations of human rights as documented in the released summary of the CIA Torture Report, but passes sanctions on Venezuela for "human rights violations."

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by William N. Grigg (Lew Rockwell blog)

Defenders of the Warfare State insist such methods are a cruel but necessary tactic in a struggle against implacable foreign enemies. After all, "we're at war," supposedly, and foreign enemy combatants aren't entitled to Due Process

Article Image Raimondo

Dianne Feinstein was the canary in the coalmine. If even the senior Senator from California, as stalwart an ally of the CIA and the National Security State as one is likely to find, was upset enough to make such a fuss about the Senate torture report