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Jonathan Turley

The fear seems to be that Snowden has to be a traitor or Obama is a tyrant. High-ranking Congressmen have been frog walked back before cameras for uttering praise for Snowden. Obama comes forward to assure people Snowden is no patriot.

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Dear Mr. Manning: I wish only that I had written to you earlier. Like hundreds of thousands of other people – and perhaps many more – I consider you to be an ethical person, a hero, someone who did the right thing in exposing the mass murder,....

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by Radley Balko (Huffington Post)

What has happened to several notable government whistleblowers is sobering. High-level whistleblowers know when they come forward that they're sacrificing their national security clearance, likely their jobs, and quite possibly their freedom.

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► He discusses the IMMUNITY of the Senate floor and Senators from ANY prosecution for WHATEVER they have the BALLS to publicly say (or read) into the record... but that it took Snowden's courage to disclose while they 'hide'.

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Russia granted American fugitive Edward Snowden a year's asylum on Thursday, allowing the former U.S. spy agency contractor to slip quietly out of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport after more than five weeks in limbo but angering the United States.

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Bradley is currently eligible to receive mail from anyone who wishes to write to him. Bradley does receive a good amount of mail from supporters; however, he usually only replies to family and longtime friends.

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