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Article Image Ray McGovern: My Take

Controversy generated by recent reporting by Eric Lichtblau and Scott Shane of the New York Times about Food and Drug Administration spying on its doctors and scientists focuses on the blatant invasions of privacy, with Sen. Charles Grassley, R- Iowa

Article Image, by Mark Weisbrot

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has taken refuge in Ecuador’s embassy in London, where according to Ecuadorian authorities he is “under the protection of the Ecuadorian state,” as he awaits the government’s decision on his application for political

Article Image Ray McGovern: My Take

Barring a CIA drone strike on the Ecuadorian embassy in London, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s sudden appeal for asylum there may spare him a prison stay in Sweden or possibly the United States. Assange’s freedom now depends largely on Ecuadorian

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Federal Whistleblower/Informant Christian, Home Builder turned Informant, Stew Webb married in 1981 Kerre S. Millman "The Bush Crime Family" bankers daughter, threw payoffs and bribes to Judges in order to terminate Stewart Webb's parental rights

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WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange has taken refuge in Ecuador's embassy in London and asked for asylum, officials said on Tuesday, in a last-ditch bid to avoid extradition to Sweden over sex crime accusations. Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Ricardo P

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Dear Editor: Were you aware of Bill Windor's Lawless America, The Movie in the making by Whistle Blower Productions? This is starting to pick up speed with over 800 victims of legal abuse across the country scheduled to be interviewed. The hor

Letters to the Editor • Global
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Adrian Wyllie

Former Palm Beach County Deputy Mark Dougan was a law enforcement officer that upheld the oath he took to support and defend the Constitution of the State of Florida and the United States. That’s why, according to Dougan, “all hell broke loose” when

News Link • Global Reported By Matt Schnackenberg
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