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Techno Gadgets

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Article Image, By Cade Metz

Jason Sosa was walking down a Shanghai sidewalk when he stumbled onto a digital image. It was projected onto the floor just inside a burger joint — yes, a burger joint — just off the sidewalk, and if you got close, the image changed. It would show yo

Article Image, By Will Shanklin

Common sense tells us that a new iPad isn't far away. With last November's 4th-generation model being little more than a minor spec-bump, we're going on 16 months since the last significant update to the 9.7-inch iPad.

Article Image, Elizabeth Palermo

Cars, robots and 3D printers: Ford is combining all three of these cool toys into one high-tech car manufacturing process. Called Ford Freeform Fabrication Technology (F3T), it may pave the way for more innovative car designs and even let drivers cho

Article Image


U.S. passengers may soon be allowed to use their electronic gadgets during takeoff and landing, according to a draft report from the U.S. regulator, the Federal Aviation Administration. But there is no mention of allowing phone calls