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Bush Administration

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Rove has previously refused to appear in response to a Judiciary Committee subpoena, claiming that even former presidential advisers cannot be compelled to testify before Congress. (Bush was supportive of this position, what about Obama? Bets? :)

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With a mere 64 minutes left in its last full day in office, the Bush adminstration asked a federal judge to stay enforcement of a ruling that would keep alive a lawsuit which tests whether the president can bypass the Congress and eavesdrop

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Washington Post

A federal judge yesterday rejected the claim by a coalition of historians and nonprofit groups that Vice President Cheney intended to illegally discard some of his official records, and instead accepted the pledge of a senior White House aide that ke

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Texas Eagle Forum - Cathie Adams

Bush's decision to commute the sentences of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, who tried to cover up the shooting, was welcomed by both Republican and Democratic members of Congress. They had long argued that the agents were merely doing their jobs,

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MyWay - AP

WASHINGTON (AP) - The incoming Obama administration should launch a criminal investigation of Bush administration officials to see whether they broke the law in the name of national security, a House Democratic report said Tuesday.

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25. "I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office."—Washington, D.C., May 12, 2008

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The parents of two detainees who committed suicide while held at Guantanamo Bay have filed a wrongful death suit against former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, as well as more than 100 military officers and personnel, alleging that Gitmo’s brutal

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Yahoo! News

The $493,000 set was inspired by a few pieces of green basketweave-patterned French china in the White House collection believed to have come from James and Dolley Madison. It was paid for by a privately funded trust of the White House Historical Ass

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I did not expect a plan of such evil genius. Imagine how foolish and naive humans must be to accept your "fix"! My mind boggles at the ease with which you have conned the gullible gallery of idiots in Congress and the mainstream media:

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Wall Street Journal

"What is it that I did that is so fundamentally wrong, that deserves this kind of response to my service?" Former Attorney General Anthony Gonzales said. "For some reason, I am portrayed as the one who is evil in formulating policies t

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Vanity Fair

The threat of 9/11 ignored. The threat of Iraq hyped and manipulated. Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib. Hurricane Katrina. The shredding of civil liberties. The rise of Iran. Global warming. Economic disaster. How did one two-term presidency go so wrong?

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This list is a subset of the list of people pardoned or clemenced by a United States president. The order in the list of pardons is alphabetical, the year is the date of conviction. Commutations are shown in the order granted.