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Bush Administration

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According to Carol Lam's written testimony, the command to fire her in the midst of one of the most wide-reaching government corruption investigations in U.S. history came from "the very highest levels of the government."

News Link • Global Reported By George Andonyan
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In a blow to the Bush adminstration, the deputy attorney general and the only Democrat on the White House's Privacy and Civil Liberties board have resigned.

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A World Bank panel found bank President Paul Wolfowitz violated several rules in his handling of a promotion and generous pay increase for his companion and his involvement in the matter represented a conflict of interest.

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U.S. Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty, second-in-command to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and caught in the firestorm over the firing of federal prosecutors, resigned. McNulty is the latest senior Justice Department official to resign since M

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He railed against the US, helped scout out military installations for attack, offered to introduce his comrades to an arms dealer, and gave them a list of weapons he could procure, including machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades. These were not

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[Washington Party] Attorney General Alberto Gonzales confidently deflected House Democrats' demands Thursday for details in the firings of U.S. attorneys, appearing ever more likely to survive accusations that the dismissals were politically moti

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Would this Administration plot another 9/11? They have motive. With popularity looking at negative numbers, indictments looming, the economy in the tank and Venezuela making themselves a target (would they try to morph al Qaeda into El Karumba, a ha

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The Justice Department investigation that criticized FBI agents for taking souvenirs from the World Trade Center site also found that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and a high-ranking FBI official kept items from the Sept. 11 attack scenes.

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Critics of the Iraq war said on Tuesday the Bush administration's failure to replenish vital National Guard equipment sent to Iraq caused Kansas to fall short in responding to last week's tornado disaster, and other states were equally vulner

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News with Views

It is only fitting, Mr President, that I open this letter by saying that at no time in the history of this nation have the American people been so ashamed of their President; Watergate, Whitewater and Bill Clinton’s promiscuous trysts in the Oval Off

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Now that the White House is searching for a 'war czar,' IT BEGS THE QUESTION OF WHO HAS BEEN COORDINATING US INVOLVEMENT IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN THE PAST FOUR YEARS. (Some leader isn't he)

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Today's foreign terrorists could be tomorrow's US refugees if the Bush adminstration gets its way. The intent is to grant refugee status to rebels who have fought repressive governments or advanced US foreign policy objectives, particularly

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Christian Science Monitor

Senior Bush administration officials proposed to a Senate committee new laws that they claim are needed to update domestic-surveillance laws, but which critics say would make it easier for government agencies to spy on people inside the United States

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Washington Post

The inspector general of the Dept of Commerce, the watchdog charged with rooting out wrongdoing at the agency, is himself the subject of three separate government investigations into allegations that he misspent his budget and retailiated against emp

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Senators subpoenaed Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on Wednesday, ordering him to provide all e-mails related to presidential advisier Karl Rove and the firings of eight federal prosecutors. "It is troubling that significant documents highly

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My Way

An Interior Dept official accused of pressuring government scientists to make their research fit her policy goals has resigned. Julie MacDonald, deputy assistant for fish, wildlife and parks, submitted her resignation letter to Interior Secretary