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Economy - Economics USA

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The Economic Collapse Blog - Michale Snyder

We were warned that more banks would soon be getting into deep trouble. In fact, just yesterday I told my readers to circle March 11th because that is when a very important Federal Reserve program that has been propping up our banks will be allowed

Article Image, Daniel Hannan

What is the only economic system that values freedom, lifts people out of poverty, disdains distinctions of race and creed, and draws us into productive networks of mutual dependency? Hint: it's not a system of ever-increasing government control.

Article Image, by Jeff Thomas

Dependency upon government is a disease. Once it has been caught, it becomes chronic and does not reverse itself in a population until the system collapses under its own weight.

Article Image, by K.S. Bruce

Recently, Democratic Party-cheerleading economist Paul Krugman declared, "Inflation is over. We won." This is like a robber shooting you and then declaring, "The coma I put you in is over! We won!"