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Economy - Economics USA

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 With the death of the "housing has bottomed" call will come an end to those who claim that the economy has turned. It may take an hour, a day, a week or a few months before these folks realize they were wrong, but there's no way around...

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You are working. You are paying on a home loan. Credit cards. Kids. You are the one who will face the bailout bills when they come due. You have to lock your doors because of crime. You lock your cars because of crime. Response time by p

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Financial Times

McGraw-Hill could reap just $1 from a sale of Business Week, according to people familiar with the 80-year-old financial magazine’s losses.

The publisher has appointed Evercore, the boutique investment bank, to sell the business after concluding it was non-core, two people familiar with the decision said.


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Wall Street Journal

The recent unemployment numbers have undermined confidence that we might be nearing the bottom of the recession. What we can see on the surface is disconcerting enough, but the inside numbers are just as bad.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics preliminary estimate for job losses for June is 467,000, which means 7.2 million people have lost their jobs since the start of the recession. The cumulative job losses over the last six months have been greater than for any other half year period since World War II, including the military demobilization after the war. The job losses are also now equal to the net job gains over the previous nine years, making this the only recession since the Great Depression to wipe out all job growth from the previous expansion.


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A series of regulatory proposals made by the SEC have included restricting short-selling in down markets, strengthening oversight of mutual funds, tightening scrutiny of investment advisers and making it easier for shareholders to seat directors on company boards. The SEC also is working to identify emerging risks to investors, including so-called "dark pools," or automated trading systems that don't publicly provide price quotes

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 Total U.S. debt as a percent of GDP surged to 375% in the first quarter, a new post 1870 record, and well above the 360% average for 2008. Therefore, the economy became more leveraged even as the recession progressed. An over- leveraged economy is one prone to deflation

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This link is to a graphical animation representing the net gain/loss of jobs over the last 5+ years for various geographical areas of the U.S.  If anyone is having trouble grasping the extent of the recent economic downturn, this animation will clarify things dramatically.

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It may just be me. I have no money in the stock market but have watched it threw a few booms and busts. The best I can say is it lasts longer, both ways then a card game of chance. I have watched a President pour trillions into the econo

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Residential investment (RI) has been declining for 13 consecutive quarters, and Q1 2009 was the worst quarter (in percentage terms) of the entire bust. Residential investment declined at a 38% annual rate in Q1.

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The two-quarter contraction is the worst in more than 60 years. The big story for the first quarter was in the business sector, where firms halted new investments, and shed workers and inventories at a dizzying pace ...

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