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Media: Television

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Saudi Arabia demanded Qatar shut down Al-Jazeera and 2 think tanks during a meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council. Riyadh demanded closure of the broadcaster, the Brookings Doha Center and the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies

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Lew Rockwell blog

Bill Maher is taken apart by Glenn Greenwald for trying to absolve the US from any responsibility for the mass slaughter and destruction in Muslim countries, blaming it on Islamic fundamentalism, as if the Afghanistan and Iraq wars never happened,

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Hiroaki Sato, Japan Times

The day two bombs exploded in Boston, “in the cities of Baghdad, Fallujah and Kirkuk in Iraq, there were ‘serial blasts.’ Fourteen car bombs and three roadside bombs went off. Thirty-three people were killed and over 160 wounded.”

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Inside the newsroom, the atmosphere is alive with energy. Journalists sit transfixed to their monitors, which show live feeds from central Cairo -- where hundreds of thousands of protesters are on the brink of pushing another strongman from power and

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Michael Calderone, The Cutline

On Tuesday, Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer asked Ron Paul to respond to the chorus of boos that greeted news the insurgent small-government Texas congressman had won the Conservative Political Action Conference's presidential straw poll for the second

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