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Philosophy: Liberalism

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Transgender reporter Zoey Tur threatened to hospitalize conservative pundit Ben Shapiro during a Dr Drew debate in which Shapiro dared to utter the hate crime of arguing that wearing a dress didn't make Tur a biological female.

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Monstah PAC has a simple formula for how we will look at the world of US National Politics. We start with the US Constitution. One sentence, 52 words, introduces the Constitution. The 'preamble' sets forth the 'spirit' of the Constitution, an

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In the book A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, published in 1913 by Israel Cohen of the Fabian Society (a follow-up to Zangwill's play The Melting Pot), he wrote: "We must realize that our Party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. B

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Republican hacks are famous for promoting the "lesser of two evils" mantra. The idea goes something like this: No matter how bad or evil a Republican candidate might be, the Democrat candidate is always worse, therefore, in order to keep the wors

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[Mom] comes into the classroom with a pan full of treats and brings them to me and says with a smile "I decided you can use these to teach the kids about the woman's vagina today". Baffled and completely caught off guard I slowly peel the alumi

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The politics of a guaranteed income get a lot easier when you acknowledge that the U.S. is no longer the land of opportunity. Free money for everyone! With weak job growth, rising poverty, and the rich continuing to devour nearly all economic g