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WAR: About that War

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The Highwire - Del Bigtree - Bitchute

Special Interests Are Losing the Power Game as Tucker Carlson is Set To Release His Interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the US Border Crisis and its connection to a bombshell UN document, Elon's Neuralink impl

Article Image, by Alastair Crooke

"The Iranians have a strategy, and we don't," a former senior U.S. Defence Department official told Al-Monitor: "We're getting bogged down in tactical weeds – of whom to target and how – and nobody's thinking strategically."

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

It is through constant lies that the war party generates the wars that bring them unlimited profits. As Congress ponders spending nearly another $100 billion on permanent wars, how do they keep fooling Americans into thinking it's "national security"
