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TAXES: Local

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Veterans United

Nationwide, legislation to lessen the financial strain on qualified disabled veterans stems from a six-year effort to reduce or fully eliminate property tax liability and now, more than half of the states in the U.S. offer some sort of exemption.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Forget income and sales taxes for a minute. Some of the cruelest and most regressive taxes are either hidden or nearly hidden. They are kept out of sight because they hit the poor the hardest. What are these hidden taxes? Tune in!

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A low cost of living, no sales tax, and beautiful scenery (oh, naked bike rides, more strip clubs per capita than any other US city, and legalized weed) means Oregon is the "top moving destination" for Americans for the third year running, according

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Spain's general elections of December 20th put an end to the two-party system that dominated the Iberian Peninsula for decades. Almost unnoticed among the information about the impending political struggle between old and new parties, the Spanish A

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The Daily Bell

Irwin Schiff made his reputation trying to debunk and remove the US income tax system. He considered it illegal and immoral and went to jail three times for his beliefs.

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The Newspaper

Chicago's camera vendors issued 5,009,831 red light camera tickets worth $520,289,186 since 2003. Redflex pocketed $126 million from this amount, only to be swept up in an ongoing federal bribery investigation. Xerox was called in to replace Redflex

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We rode along with Officer Henderson, who pulled over a man talking on his phone. The man got a $130 ticket. But that's not the only action considered distracted driving. Texting, eating and drinking, putting on makeup, checking laptops

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It was a Charleston police sting unlike any other: An undercover cop dressed casually like a tourist taking a ride on a rickshaw. The goal was to see if any of the drivers were giving illegal speaking tours of the city's numerous sight-seeing spots.
