IPFS Greg J Dixon

Words Eye View

More About: Religion: Believers

You Might be a Loosey-Goosey Evangelical!

You Might be a Loosey-Goosey Evangelical!

Don Boys, Ph.D.  

If you think that a pastor is to be the flunky of a church board and produce a sermon once a week, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think it is pleasing to God to miss church services to attend ball games, family reunions, etc., then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical. 

If you use the word worldlyin quotes then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think it is all right to take money that actually belongs to God, after He has given you the strength and ability to earn it, and use that money for another purpose, even a good purpose, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical. 

If you think a hell bound sinner can become a saint of God by a simple acceptance of anything religious, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you denigrate, discourage, and deny that an individual must with a broken heart and admission of person sins trust only in the death and resurrection of Christ for salvation, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think going to church once a week is enough and going more often is religious extremism, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you believe it is morally acceptable to sit at home and watch visual garbage on television, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think it is a "show" and offensive to encourage people to wear their best clothes instead of ragged and patched clothes to church, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think wearing a tie or very nice clothes to church is the "mark of the Beast," then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think it is Christian liberty for women to wear clothes that expose their "charms" for all to see, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think it is legalism to preach against men wearing earrings, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think tattoos and body piercings are simply an innocent fad and acceptable for Christians, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think church music should be so loud that it breaks the street lights two blocks away, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think the standard hymns of the faith are passé and new songs that have ambiguous biblical teaching are preferred, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you believe that church music is entertainment and it is desirable to "sing and sway with Bill and Kay" then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think a 20-minute sermon is enough "torture" for a Sunday morning, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think the preaching on repentance, judgment, and Hell is unnecessary, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you believe handing out Gospel tracts is being too aggressive and will "drive people away" from the church, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think bussing inner city kids ruins a worship service and hinders the decorum of a service, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think saying grace in a restaurant is being "too showy," then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you believe a social drink now and then is acceptable, even desirable in putting friends at ease, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you believe the wine in the New Testament is alcohol and permitted to Christians, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think going door-to-door as the New Testament Christians did is being too aggressive and puts people on the spot, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think children should be in public schools "as a testimony" rather than have a Christian education, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you believe that Christians who accept the KJV as totally reliable are religious nuts, then you may be a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you send your children to a state university rather than a Christian university, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you believe secular accreditation is a positive for your student, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you believe a child should never be disciplined, especially spanked, and should grow up naturally like a weed, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you believe that there is no difference in men and women and the concept of a modern marriage is biblical, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you believe that it doesn't matter too much where you go to church as long as there is a steeple, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you believe that one can hear the Gospel in most churches and trust Christ, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you believe that denominations are biblical, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you believe it is acceptable for a committed couple to live together without being married, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you believe that a divorced man can be a pastor, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you believe it is "legalism" to teach children to read the Bible daily, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think the pursuit of a godly life is vain and an indication of religiosity, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

If you think a person is a hater if he objects to same-sex "marriage," abortion, and transgenderism, then you are probably a loosey-goosey Evangelical.

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