IPFS Stephen Lendman

More About: Syria

Damascus International Fair a Sign of Hope

Damascus International Fair a Sign of Hope

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

It's the oldest regional event of its kind. Before America waged war on the country, it's been an annual fair for over half a century.

It's been a "meeting point for trade, economical and cultural exchange among Arab and Foreign countries…reflecting…the real image of Syrian industry and trade," according to promotional information about the event.

Commenting on its revival, Assad political and media advisor Bouthaina Shaaban said for the first time since outbreak of war in 2011, it "sends a message that (it's end(ing)…and we are at the start of the path towards reconstruction."

The war is in its "penultimate stage. Just as we defeated terrorism, we will fight any illegitimate presence on our land, whether it's the United States or Turkey."

"And this is among the challenges we will face at the right time in the right way." Regional participation in the fair shows a "U-turn was achieved." 

Russia, China and Iran are expected to play major roles in rebuilding what Washington, its rogue allies and terrorist foot soldiers destroyed.

Significant progress was made against US-supported terrorists since Russia intervened at the request of Assad in September 2015, turning the tide of battle, changing the dynamic on the ground. 

Slowly and doggedly, the scourge of terrorism is being smashed, an ongoing struggle, its end not in sight despite Shaaban's optimism, but heading in the right direction toward eventual triumph.

Al Nusra remains a major threat, armed and given other material support by Washington and its rogue allies.

US-supported ISIS is on its back foot, Syrian and allied forces, aided by Russian aerial operations, advancing steadily on its fighters in central Syria, cutting off their supply lines.

They're dug in for battle in Uqayrbat. Liberating the town could come in days, Deir Ezzor to follow, a major step toward freeing Syria of its scourge when accomplished.

Defeating terrorism in Syria leaves America and its rogue allies to contend with, regime change still their objective.

Washington plans permanent occupation of Syria, discussed in a same day article, operating from seven bases in northern Syria, another near Israel's border.

US forces along with Kurdish fighters and Arab terrorists control Syrian territory north of the Euphrates River.

America came to Syria to stay. Liberation won't come until its greatest of all scourges is gone.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


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