IPFS Stephen Lendman

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The NYT Blasts Trump for Not Vilifying Vladimir Putin

The NYT Blasts Trump for Not Vilifying Vladimir Putin

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

He's arguably the world's preeminent leader, Western ones not approaching his stature, a peace champion, an anti-imperialist, a defender of Russia's sovereignty - why The Times, other media scoundrels and neocons in Washington hate him.

The Times: "Ever since Mr. Trump jumped into political life, Washington has scratched its collective head over his curious affinity for the strongman of the Kremlin."

Fact: Unlike police state America, Russia is governed democratically. Putin is overwhelmingly popular, his approval rating over 80%, his electoral victories judged open, free and fair by independent international observers.

The Times: "Mr. Trump has long expressed admiration for Mr. Putin even as American politicians of both parties have denounced the Russian leader for fomenting a separatist war in Ukraine, trying to destabilize the West, bolstering President Bashar al-Assad in Syria and collaborating with Iran."

Fact: US-installed putschists launched naked aggression against Donbass freedom fighters rejecting fascist rule.

Fact: Putin and Sergey Lavrov lead conflict resolution efforts, unsuccessful so far because Washington wants endless war, not peace.

Fact: Syria is Obama's war Trump inherited. Russia responsibly intervened in September 2015 to combat the scourge of terrorism Washington created and supports.

The Times: "(S)anctions were passed to punish Russia for interfering in last year's American presidential election and seizing its neighbor's territory by annexing Crimea."

Fact: No Russian interference in America's presidential election occurred. Claiming otherwise stemmed from a CIA plot concocted under John Brennan - to vilify Moscow unjustly, along with challenging Trump's legitimacy, wanting him removed from office and replaced.

Fact: By national referendum, Crimeans overwhelmingly voted to rejoin Russia, wanting a historic mistake corrected. Putin accommodated them. No annexation occurred.

The Times: "Mr. Putin's response to the sanctions was to seize two American diplomatic properties and order the United States to cut 755 positions from its embassy and consulates by Sept. 1."

Fact: Putin responded to Obama unjustifiably expelling 35 Russian diplomats last December, along with seizing its diplomatic properties in New York and Maryland - compounded by newly imposed illegal sanctions. 

He should have acted sooner and more harshly. Believing improved relations with America is possible is foolhardy thinking - not as long as bipartisan neocons infest Washington.

His ordered expulsion of US diplomats reduces their numbers to Russia's diplomatic representation in America - a tit-for-tat retaliation.

The Times is an imperial mouthpiece, spreading malicious propaganda and fake news - vilifying Trump for the wrong reasons, bashing Russia for its sovereign independence and opposition to US imperial wars.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


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