IPFS Stephen Lendman

More About: MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

The NYT Contempt for Truth-Telling

The NYT Contempt for Truth-Telling

by Stephen Lendman

The Times is a lying machine, a disgrace to legitimate journalism - operating as a press agent for wealth, power and privilege. 

Truth-telling on vital issues is banned from its pages - especially on war and peace, Russia, and Trump.

Its articles, commentaries and editorials on these and other vital issues read like deep state press releases.

On June 17, its editors headlined Mr. Trump's Dangerous Indifference to Russia," saying:

"A rival foreign power launched an aggressive cyberattack on the United States, interfering with the 2016 presidential election and leaving every indication that it's coming back for more - but President Trump doesn't seem to care."

Fact: No foreign power, not Russia or any other country, "interfer(red) with the 2016 (US) presidential election." Not a shred of evidence suggests it because none exists. 

Fact: Claims otherwise are Big Lies to denigrate and weaken Trump, along with bashing Russia for its sovereign independence and opposition to US imperial lawlessness.

Fact: Trump was right, earlier calling claims of Russian US election hacking "ridiculous." No hacking occurred. No foreign government tried to influence or manipulate last year's presidential election.

The Times, other media scoundrels and Democrats calling Russian interference in America's election "unprecedented" is part of a diabolical plot to oust Trump from office.

The scheme involves congressional and special counsel Robert Mueller investigations into alleged ties between Trump, his team and Moscow.

Mueller is looking into the spurious allegation of possible Trump obstruction of justice - despite no evidence suggesting it.

The Times: "(T)he commander in chief appears unconcerned (about a Russian) threat to our national security."

Fact: No Russian threat exists - none now or earlier throughout the Russian Federation's existence.

The Times: "Under direct orders from President Vladimir Putin, hackers connected to Russian military intelligence broke into the email accounts of senior officials at the Democratic National Committee and of Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta." 

"They passed tens of thousands of emails to the website WikiLeaks, which posted them throughout the last months of the campaign in an attempt to damage the Clinton campaign."

Fact: These and numerous other spurious claims provide clear evidence of how low the self-styled newspaper of record has sunk - mocking legitimate journalism.

The Times: "Even more disturbing, hackers sought access to voter databases in at least 39 states, and in some cases tried to alter or delete voter data. They also appear to have tried to take over the computers of more than 100 local election officials in the days before the Nov. 8 vote."

Fact: No Russian hacking into voter databases occurred in any of the 50 US states. Claims otherwise are Big Lies - spread by media scoundrels like The Times.

The Times: "The Russians have engaged in behavior like this in other countries, and they're getting better at it…They have disseminated fake news stories and other disinformation to interfere with elections in other countries, as they did here."

Fact: Utter rubbish and The Times knows it. What it won't explain is longstanding US meddling in foreign elections worldwide - along with all its other high crimes.

The Times: "Even if the investigations find no evidence that Mr. Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians, the president's refusal to accept the truth about this attack on our democracy denies reality and leaves the country vulnerable to more damaging attacks." 

"The true obsession is Mr. Trump's, with his own brand, and it's distracting him from his most important duty - to protect the nation."

Democracy in America is pure fantasy. None whatever exists, nor threats to US national security from any nation - not Russia or any others.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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