IPFS Stephen Lendman

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WaPo Cheerleads New Illegal US Sanctions on Iran and Russia

WaPo Cheerleads New Illegal US Sanctions on Iran and Russia

by Stephen Lendman

Last week, by a vote of 98 - 2, US Senate members passed tough new sanctions on Iran and Russia - House members certain to vote overwhelmingly for them by a veto-proof margin.

Whether Trump intends supporting them remains to be seen. The White House hasn't said either way - waiting to see the final legislation before deciding.

The measure is flagrantly illegal. Security Council members alone may sanction nations, not individual ones against others.

Ignoring fundamental international law, neocon/CIA-connected Washington Post editors headlined "Congress rises to the occasion on Iran and Russia," deplorably saying:

"CONGRESS RARELY takes the lead in foreign affairs, but senators in both parties have risen to the occasion in recent weeks, exhibiting an uncommonly independent and disciplined response to the tumult of President Trump's administration." 

"The latest votes and hearings are a welcome sign that Congress can act as a responsible counterweight to Mr. Trump's more erratic impulses."

Fact: The near-unanimous Senate vote is more clear evidence of America's debauched political system - hardening its pariah state status.

Fact: WaPo and other media scoundrels support shows their deference to wrong over right, and contempt for legitimate journalism.

WaPo: "(T)he Senate vote reflects a far more sober assessment of President Vladimir Putin's meddling in the US election, subversion in Ukraine and intervention to save the brutal leader of Syria."

It prevents Trump from lifting sanctions on Russia without congressional approval.

Fact: No Russian US election meddling occurred, no "subversion" in Ukraine or wrongful intervention in Syria by its government.

WaPo: Senate members believe "US security is enhanced not only by military might but also programs that promote democracy and prevent nuclear proliferation."

Fact: America's "military might" is used for endless imperial wars - unrelated to "enhanc(ing)…US security."

Fact: No US democracy-promoting programs exist - the notion anathema for America domestically and abroad.

Fact: Washington is a lawless nuclear proliferator, threatening humanity's survival

WaPo: "Everyone ought to be grateful that Congress, so often fractious and hyper-partisan, has seen fit to grab the foreign policy wheel, and steady it."

Fact: US executive, congressional and judicial branches shame responsible governance.

America is humanity's greatest scourge.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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