IPFS Stephen Lendman

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The NYT Lying Machine At It Again

The NYT Lying Machine At It Again

by Stephen Lendman

A rule of thumb for everyone wanting to stay informed is believe nothing The Times reports, especially on major issues.

Disinformation, misinformation, Big Lies and fake news consistently substitute for truth-telling on issues mattering most.

In response to Comey's Thursday Senate testimony, The Times turned on its head about what he said, headlining "Comey Bluntly Raises Possibility of Trump Obstruction and Condemns His 'Lies,' " saying:

Trump "tried to derail an investigation into his national security adviser (Michael Flynn) and raised the question of whether (he) had tried to obstruct justice."

FALSE on both counts! Trump made no demands of Comey, nothing remotely suggesting obstruction of justice.

Comey: Alone with Trump, the president said "I hope this." Asked if he knows of anyone being charged for hoping something, he said "I don't."

Trump asked, never demanded, Comey close the investigation into Michael Flynn. When asked if the president ever tried to "impede" things on the Flynn and Russia investigations, he said: "Not to my understanding, no."

Asked specifically if Trump tried obstructing justice, he deferred to special counsel Robert Mueller, saying it's his "job to sort that out." 

With no evidence of obstruction, no crime was committed - something the Supreme Court may rule on if things go that far.

Times reporting was deliberately false - part of its longstanding anti-Trump campaign, a separate editorial piling on more.

It called Trump "a venal, self-interested politician who does not recognize, let alone uphold…the legal principles at the foundation of American democracy."

Fact: Obama, Bush/Cheney, the Clinton co-presidency and other US administrations The Times supported were venal, self-serving and lawless.

Fact: US democracy is pure fantasy, not real, designed that way by the founders, how it's been ever since, especially now, the very notion of rule of the people repugnant to America's ruling class.

The Times: Comey "said…he very reasonably understood (Trump's request) to drop the (Michael Flynn investigation) as an order…"

FALSE! Trump requested Comey drop the Flynn investigation because his former national security advisor did nothing wrong in contacts with Russian officials. He ordered nothing.

Comey also said he didn't interfere in the Russia investigation, only saying "a cloud" impairs his ability to do his job. He asked what the FBI could do to "lift the cloud" as quickly as possible.

Times editors: Trump was "the beneficiary of Moscow's meddling."

Fact: No Russian "meddling" occurred. No evidence suggests otherwise. The accusation was and remains a bald-faced lie.

Comey saying the investigation is "an effort to protect our country from a new threat that quite honestly will not go away anytime soon" turned truth on its head.

No Russian threat exists, none now or earlier. The menace America and its rogue allies poses is real.

Comey claiming the FBI's mission "is to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States" belies its diabolical agenda throughout its sordid history - defending privilege against beneficial social change.

Times editors: Trump and his administration "seem unable to comprehend (that) their roles (involve) plac(ing) (public) service above any president's glory."

Trump is like his predecessors, exclusively serving wealth, power, and privilege at the expense of ordinary people at home and abroad - a deplorable agenda The Times supports.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.
