IPFS Stephen Lendman

More About: Philosophy: Fascism

Reflections on America's Election

Reflections on America's Election

by Stephen Lendman

It was a long night for me, up all night for the first time following a US election. Press TV invited me and other guests on to comment on Tuesday's results after the polls closed.

Discussion began around 2:00AM Central Standard Time, lasted two-and-half-hours. After each 30 minute segment, I was asked if I'd stay on.

I was tired but eager to express my views and hear what other guests had to say. It was a stimulating, informative discussion, straight talk never heard on Western TV, vital issues raised, I and other guests getting ample time to address them.

Available for viewing online, commercial free Press TV does a admirable job - television news, information and analysis the way it's supposed to be.

It's polar opposite Western scoundrel media, featuring state-sponsored propaganda, focused on misinforming and selling stuff, not telling readers, viewers and listeners what they most need to know - why I call them scoundrels, presstitutes, press agents for power and other pejoratives.

Other guests were thoughtful and informative. I largely agreed with their views, while disappointed that at least one didn't know America created and supports ISIS and virtually all other terrorist groups, used as imperial foot soldiers.

I spent post-election day like all others, long hours writing, four articles on Trump's triumph - on the one hand relieved war goddess Hillary was defeated, her political career ended.

On the other, concerned about dirty business as usual continuing, the aftermath of all US elections, especially presidential and congressional ones under America's duopoly system - a one-party state with two right wings, voters having no say on how they're governed.

Post-election is no time for celebration or mourning. It's a time for relief to be free from a possible nuclear holocaust had Hillary won.

It's a time for concern, knowing what affects most Americans adversely won't change. Wealth, power and privilege will continue being served exclusively, popular rights, needs and welfare largely ignored - despite Trump's anti-establishment sounding pledges.

Candidate Obama promised hope and change. Chicago, my home city and his, erupted like New Year's eve on election night November 4, 2008.

Euphoria was short-lived. Perhaps never before did a future US president promise more and deliver less. Obama broke every major pledge he made.

He promised peace and delivered endless wars of aggression. He turned America into more of a police state than under Bush/Cheney.

He exclusively served monied interests, neoliberal harshness for most others, the phony slogan "shared sacrifice" used as justification, ordinary people sacrificing while privileged ones share, amassing greater wealth and power during his tenure than ever before in US history.

Was Trump's election transformative? Will he reverse anti-populist policies harming so many since the neoliberal 90s under Bill and Hillary Clinton? Will he wage peace, not war? Will he make America great for everyone, not just its privileged few? Hold the cheers!

I believe he won because deep state power brokers jettisoned Hillary after choosing her last year to succeed Obama. Scandals certain to haunt her in office, if elected, made her damaged goods, too contentious to govern effectively.

Duopoly power runs America. No candidates ascend to high executive, congressional or judicial positions without being carefully vetted, assured of their commitment to support dirty business as usual, a little slack allowed them at most to pursue personal preferences as long as powerful interests are served like always.

Trump's anti-establishment sounding rhetoric notwithstanding, he didn't become a billionaire tycoon by playing by the rules, by being a good good guy concerned about the needs and interests of others.

He won because power brokers likely decided he was a better choice than scandal-ridden Hillary. Her deplorable public record defeated her.

He likely agreed to at least largely support establishment policies. Otherwise, yesterday's headlines would have hailed Madam President. America's longstanding history of election-rigging would have assured it.

Outlandish greed and criminal wrongdoing only defeat political aspirants when news of their excesses and wrongdoing gets widespread publicity.

Multiple FBI investigations into Hillary's activities alone made her damaged goods - her email criminality whitewashed. 

Her foundation racketeering probe continues - with plenty of indictable evidence to prosecute and convict her if Trump wants her held accountable like he pledged on the stump, saying: 

"If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into (Hillary's) situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception. There has never been anything like it."

On January 20, 2017, Trump becomes America's 45th president. I hope my assessment of how he'll govern is wrong.

I've stressed repeatedly. Ignore what politicians say. Follow what they do in office. Their policies define them. 

Trump has a lot of proving to do, starting with who's chosen for cabinet and other key administration posts. In September, he named neocon/interventionist/warmonger, former CIA director James Woolsey as senior advisor on national security issues.

If he and others like him fill top Trump administration posts, expect popular disgust to build against him.

Green Party candidate Jill Stein more than doubled her 2012 vote count. Yet only 1% of the electorate supported her - a true progressive, a people's candidate, a physician wanting her professional skills and dedication used to help heal a sick nation.

Greens won 10 state elections in California, five in Michigan and three in Minnesota. America needs revolutionary change - led by dedicated people putting popular interests above their own.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.
