IPFS Menckens Ghost

More About: Philosophy: Liberalism

The Beaver Street Divide in America

Beaver Street runs through downtown Flagstaff, Arizona, a high-country town at 7,000-foot elevation and towered over by the 12,000-foot Humphrey's Peak.  A couple of blocks of the street are a microcosm of the political divide in America.

For example, a vegan café on one side of the street is Bernie Sanders territory, a brewery and carnivore restaurant on the other side is Donald Trump territory, and down the street is Northern Arizona University, a state school, which like most universities, is split between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.  

The vegan café is patronized and staffed mostly by local hipsters, bohemians, radical environmentalists, and ageing flower children—almost all of whom are white.  In abundance are nose rings, studs, fluorescent hair, beards, tattoos, hippie clothes, and pet dogs tied outside.  Curiously, there are no children in sight.  Subarus and Volkswagens are parked in front, with bumper stickers advocating peace, love, and various environmental causes.   Judging by the way that patrons loll around and come and go all day, most of them don't hold regular jobs.

The carnivore restaurant is patronized and staffed mostly by the white working class and middle class.  Burly guys with calloused hands sit at the bar after work with coworkers or at tables with their wives and children.    The only fashions they have in common with the patrons of the vegan café are beards and tattoos.  Judging by the company names on their shirts, many of them are electricians, plumbers, mechanics, and painters.    Pickup trucks without bumper stickers are the most common vehicle in the parking lot. 

When my wife and I drive to Flagstaff from our home in Scottsdale for a getaway of two to three days, we patronize both places and avoid places where the Lexus and BMW crowd hangs out, as we get enough of suburban establishment Republicans in Scottsdale.  We also walk through the university.

Northern Arizona University is a typical university.  That's not a compliment.  Full of silly political correctness, diversity correctness, and environmental correctness, it is a parody of university life.  One can feel his brain shrink when entering the campus and seeing the de rigueur banners, displays, bulletin board notices, and other state propaganda that makes Goebbels look amateurish.

When we visited, there was a display about sexual assaults in front of the student union.  Hundreds of tiny blue flags resembling irrigation flags were placed in the lawn.  A handmade sign had statistics about the purported high incidence of assaults, including a dubious claim that one out of six males is sexually assaulted.  It's doubtful that the incidence was even that high in the locker room at Penn State or at Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Boston.  Of course it would be verboten to question the methodology used to come up with the findings or to point out that a disproportionate number of sexual assaults are committed by thugs on sports scholarships—thugs who are worshipped like Roman Centurions on campus. 

Sadly, a university is not the place to question state propaganda.  One would have to go to the Beaver Street brewery and restaurant for that.

As with other universities, ubiquitous signs extol the virtues of recycling and sustainability.  Solar-powered trash and recycling cans also are ubiquitous.  Yet on the early morning we walked through campus, the commons near the student union was littered with plastic cups, pizza boxes, and even broken beer bottles.

It seems that each time we visit the university (and other universities), scores of high-rise buildings have gone up since our last visit, including fancy classroom buildings and laboratories, exorbitant sports facilities, and luxurious residence halls with health clubs, large parking lots for students' cars, and private bathrooms, living rooms, and balconies.  It's resort living for spoiled brats.  It's also not very sustainable, a hypocrisy that goes unnoticed by the heads full of propaganda.

Meanwhile, the nation's overlords in Washington can't figure out why college has gotten so expensive.

Many of the spoiled brats have already taken a step to ensure that they won't get too far in their careers and will have difficulty in paying off their student loans:  They sport large, visible tattoos.  Maybe they are majoring in hotel and restaurant management and will work at the vegan restaurant upon graduation, assuming they graduate.

No wonder recent college graduates voted for socialist Sanders or for phony socialist Clinton.  After four years or more of resort living in a utopian cocoon, they have to be disappointed with the real world of work.  Think of how disappointed future graduates will be after our overlords make college free. 

No wonder the working class at the carnivore restaurant voted for Trump.  They are paying taxes to support the resort, er, university, down the street, and they are being gouged for health insurance so that the patrons and staff of the vegan restaurant across the street can get an ObamaCare subsidy.

Meanwhile, the nation's reporters and pundits, having been brainwashed in college and thus devoid of observational abilities and independent thinking, can't see why political divides like the Beaver Street divide are so widespread in America.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Scott Legear
Entered on:

Indeed. I know both establishments and you have nailed it. I choose to eat a veganish diet but the intellect of most who eat a similar diet makes me want to scream. Sigh.
