IPFS Stephen Lendman

More About: Philosophy: Fascism

Sanders' Deplorable Fall From Grace

Sanders' Deplorable Fall from Grace

by Stephen Lendman

Supporting Hillary means he's pro-war, pro-Wall Street, pro-corporate predation, anti-labor, anti-equity and justice, anti-fundamental freedoms - while pretending otherwise.

On the stump for Hillary, he transformed himself into a pathetic laughing stock, supporting what he campaigned against - showing it was willful deception, Big Lies, the way all con men operate. 

Obama long ago proved he's Exhibit A, pledging one thing, doing another on all issues mattering most - Hillary cut out of the same cloth.

Her pathological lying alone should disqualify her for any public office - her high crimes demanding accountability, not forthcoming.

Sanders' phony revolution is self-serving, getting Hillary elected president, along with supporting other Democrat party candidates - representing dirty business as usual, not beneficial social change he deplores.

He's right calling this year's presidential election "the most consequential" in "modern" US history, citing the wrong reasons. He pretends the DNC platform is progressive, saying it reflects policies "we believe in…And I am going to do everything I can to make that happen."

What rubbish! It rejects universal healthcare, a $15 minimum wage indexed to inflation, ending Israel's occupation of Palestine, a carbon tax, and fails to oppose fracking, and the anti-consumer, stealth corporate coup d'etat Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

It says nothing about renouncing Washington's imperial project, nothing about its endless wars of aggression, nothing about prioritizing world peace and stability.

There's nothing about rescinding police state laws, nothing about serving the general welfare or governance of, by and for everyone equitably.

Weasel words about "advancing our party's progressive ideals…addressing the needs of all Americans," supporting public education, "looking out for working people," taxing the super-rich, "expanding Social Security," curbing prescription drug costs, promoting clean energy, ending mass incarceration, and "Wall Street reform" rang resoundingly hollow - promises to be broken like every time before.

By endorsing Hillary, Sanders betrayed his loyal supporters, showed he's just another self-serving dirty politician like most everyone in Washington.

Even Hillary's campaign chairman John Podesta, disparagingly called him a "doofus" - "a stupid or foolish person," according to Merriam-Webster.

He's far worse, politically dishonest, supporting an ethically, morally and legally challenged, emotionally unstable war criminal, racketeer, perjurer - claiming she'll "make an outstanding president," proudly "stand(ing) with her…"

He sold his soul to monied interests, reduced himself to a caricature to his phony stump persona, destroying whatever credibility supporters thought he had.

He sounded buffoon-like claiming he'll work toward making sure government in Washington "moves forward with an agenda that helps transform the country."

What nonsense! Things are far too debauched to fix. They've gotten steadily worse since the first two Clinton co-presidential terms - risking disaster by giving them a third one.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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