IPFS Stephen Lendman

More About: Philosophy: Fascism

US Presidential Election Stolen for Hillary Before Polls Open

US Presidential Election Stolen for Hillary Before Polls Open

by Stephen Lendman

November 8 isn't election day. It's orchestrated grand theft theater to anoint Hillary Obama's successor. Americans are deluded to believe their vote matters.

This year's outcome was decided well in advance, likely last year before aspirants announced their candidacy for the nation's highest office.

Power brokers running America bear full responsibility for concocting a sham system, fantasy democracy, not the real thing.

Disgracefully one-sided pro-Hillary media scoundrels and corporate pollsters share blame for creating the impression of her unbeatability.

Press agent journalism proliferates. Biased corporate polls are easily manipulated to show what sponsors want. On Sunday, The New York Times virtually declared Hillary November's winner and next president, saying she "has a 93% chance to win."

The dirty game aims to discourage Trump supporters, convince them he has no chance to win, hoping many will stay home, while encouraging rank and file for Hillary to show up en masse.

Any number of dirty tricks can be used to assure she's anointed president-elect. Stolen elections are a longstanding US tradition from the early days of the republic. 

Now it's done by methods explained above, electronic ease, voter roll stripping and other dirty tricks.

Paul Craig Roberts explains turnout for Trump stump speeches overwhelming exceeds what Hillary attracts.

So how come most polls show her leading, he asks? "We are being told lies in order to cover up the coming election theft," he justifiably explains.

Want more evidence? Here it is. Citing an October 18 - 19, Rasmussen poll, RT International reported 65% of voters surveyed saying Hillary acted extrajudicially by storing classified State Department emails on her private server.

A 53% majority believe she should be indicted. When asked if Hillary's email scandal was important in influencing their vote, 70% replied affirmatively - 49% calling it very important.

If Hillary wins as expected, around 70% of Republican voters believe it's by election-rigging, according to a separate Reuters/Ipsos poll RT cited.

If most voters want her indicted, polls showing her leading Trump lack credibility.

She's the establishment candidate, Wall Street's choice, Trump an outlier, relentlessly denigrated, things rigged to assure he loses.

Democracy in America serves its privileged few alone - indifferent to the needs, rights and welfare of most others, especially the nation's poor and vulnerable.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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