IPFS Stephen Lendman

More About: Philosophy: Fascism

Pathological Liar Hillary's Convenient Memory Lapses

Pathological Liar Hillary's Convenient Memory Lapses

by Stephen Lendman

On Thursday, Judicial Watch released responses Hillary gave to 25 JW questions - asked under oath about her email practices, submitted on August 30, her written answers ordered by US District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.

She took great pains to obstruct justice without crossing the line, lodging numerous objections to questions asked:

"on the grounds that any discovery…is unwarranted…"

claiming information requested falls "outside the scope of permitted discovery…'

saying questions related to after her tenure as secretary of state

claiming "personal in nature" emails aren't "within the scope of the permitted topics"

objecting to information requested "about management, retention, and/or preservation of federal records"

taking exception to "provid(ing) information that is not within her personal knowledge"

claiming information requested was "privileged or otherwise protected from discovery by the attorney-client privilege…"

objecting to and refusing to provide information relating to "a privilege log"

She objected to the definition of the "Clintonemail.com email system…used to host her…account after her tenure as secretary of state."

She lodged a similar objection to her account "insofar as it refers to email addresses used by other individuals in the domain name 'clintonemail.com.' "

On October 14, a JW press release explained she responded "does not recall" to 20 of the 25 questions, listed below:

"Response 3: Clinton said she does not recall any specific consultations regarding the decision to use the clintonemail.com account for official State Department business."

"Response 4: Clinton said she does not recall participating in any communications before or during her tenure as Secretary of State concerning to her decision to use a clintonemail.com account to conduct official State Department business."

"Response 6: Clinton said she does not recall being advised, cautioned, or warned, she does not recall that it was ever suggested to her, and she does not recall participating in any communication, conversation, or meeting in which it was discussed that her use of a clintonemail.com e-mail account to conduct official State Department business conflicted with or violated federal recordkeeping laws."

Response 7: Clinton said she does not recall considering factors other than convenience in deciding to use a personal e-mail account to conduct official State Department business."

"Response 8: Clinton said she does not recall whether she had a specific expectation that the State Department would receive FOIA requests for or concerning her e-mail."

"Response 11: Clinton said she does not recall specifically informing the State Department's records management personnel about her use of her clintonemail.com e-mail account to conduct official State Department business… And she does not recall interacting with Clarence Finney or employees of the Executive Secretariat's Office of Correspondence and records."

"Response 12: Clinton said she does not recall State Department personnel asking her for access to her clintonemail.com e-mail account to search for e-mail responsive to a FOIA request during her tenure as Secretary of State."

"Response 15: Clinton said she does not recall what precisely she meant by the words 'address' or 'device.' "

"Response 16: Clinton said she does not recall requesting a State Department-issued Blackberry or a State Department e-mail account in or around August 2011."

"Response 17: Clinton said she does not recall reviewing Assistant Secretary Bowell's Information Memo attached as Exhibit D to Plaintiff's Interrogatories during her tenure as Secretary of State."

"Response 18: Clinton said she does not recall seeing the June 28, 2011 cable attached as Exhibit E to Plaintiff's Interrogatories during her tenure as Secretary of State."

"Response 19: Clinton said she does not recall being advised, cautioned, or warned during her tenure as Secretary of State about hacking or attempted hacking of her clintonemail.com e-mail account or the server that hosted her clintonemail.com account."

"Response 20: Clinton said she does not recall considering whether to allow the State Department access to her clintonemail.com e-mail account when she was preparing to leave office…She does not recall anyone from the State Department asking her for access to her clintonemail.com e-mail account or asking her to print her work-related e-mails when she was preparing to leave office."

"Response 21: Clinton said she does not recall considering after she left office whether she could alter, destroy, disclose, or use emails concerning official State Department business."

"Response 22: Clinton said she does not recall altering, destroying, disclosing, or using any e-mails related to official State Department business from her tenure as Secretary of State in her clintonemail.com account or instructing anyone else to do so after she left office and before her attorneys reviewed the e-mails in her clintonemail.com email account in response to the State Department's request."

"Response 25: Clinton said she does not recall having communications with Bryan Pagliano concerning or relating to the management, preservation, deletion, or destruction of any e-mails in her clintonemail.com email account.

JW president Tom Fitton said Hillary's memory lapses "show she fears full disclosure about her emails."

She's an exposed pathological liar, caught red-handed numerous previous times, including under oath, making her guilty of perjury, yet remaining uncharged.

The fix is in to absolve her of war crimes, racketeering and perjury, serious criminality enough to send ordinary people to prison.

Elevating her to the White House means empowering her to commit far greater crimes than earlier - an ignorant, indifferent public unaware of the unprecedented danger she represents.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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