IPFS Stephen Lendman

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Putin Cancels Paris Trip Over Futility of Talks on Syria

Putin Cancels Paris Trip Over Futility of Talks on Syria

by Stephen Lendman

French President Hollande is partnered with Obama's aggression on Syria, its former colony, eager to regain control along with America.

Putin's scheduled October 19 visit was cancelled - not because "certain events linked to the opening of a Russian cultural center and holding exhibitions had been cancelled," as his spokesman Dmitry Peskov explained.

Intractable agendas on Syria got Putin to cancel his planned visit - including French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault wanting the International Criminal Court (ICC) investigating Russia and Syria for alleged war crimes neither country committed.

He'll consider rescheduling at a future time, Peskov explained. He's ready to hold productive talks with all foreign leaders. Meeting his French counterpart at this time would accomplish nothing toward restoring peace and stability to Syria.

On Monday, Hollande admitted the futility of talks. Whether they'll be rescheduled any time soon remains to be seen. According to Ayrault, it'll depend on the situation in Syria.

Peskov said Putin has no current plans to meet with other European leaders on Syria in a format similar to the Normandy Quartet on Ukraine - accomplishing nothing toward resolving its US-instigated conflict.

When asked about France wanting Russia investigated in the ICC, Peskov declined to comment, saying it's for Ayrault's foreign ministry to explain.

Syria, with formidable Russian help, is winning the crucial battle for Aleppo, key to hopes for eventually liberating Syria entirely from America's imperial scourge, France partnered with its project for what it hopes to gain.

Years of good faith Russian diplomacy with Washington accomplished nothing. Both sides are intractably apart on resolving things.

Neocons infesting the Obama administration demand regime change. Russia is committed to protecting Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity, including the right of its people to decide who'll lead them, free from foreign interference.

An unresolvable combustible situation exists, heading for greater conflict, not responsible resolution.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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